Tootling Along

Christine Sutton -writer, editor and publisher

I believe there’s more to life.

Every life is a story. The life an author leads, and has led, influences the stories they tell. When I work with authors who are writing an autobiography or memoir, I’m always amazed by the stories behind their book, the wealth of life experience and wisdom that underlies their work. I know my life, my relationships, the places I have lived and the stories I have heard and read influence my own writing.

There are ways for a writer to keep this rich source of inspiration within reach and recall.

I keep a notebook. I use Notes on my laptop and iPad to keep snippets of conversations and stories I hear as a future sources of material. I research, research, research. I use Transcribe to turn oral recordings and my own spoken reflections into text.

In writing my Family History guides, I constantly research, undertake short courses in history of the period for which I am researching records and data, and constantly watch for changes in the knowledge and access to evidence. All of life is a source of stories, poems, books, podcasts, films and videos by creative writers.

But when the book is written, what then? How do you get it from your word document to a printed book that can be bought, read and enjoyed by anyone, anywhere.

If you are a new writer, you need support. If you live in Australia, I can offer you mentoring, editorial and publishing support.